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Born and raised in California, Anthony Hodges has always been committed to promising a better tomorrow for himself and his community. Living a life of positivity and self growth has allowed Anthony to always look for the next road to help others.

A mutual love of living a healthy lifestyle and a fashion forward sense that has pushed him to want more then just to blend in by wearing what everyone else was wearing but to stand out and stand strong. Influenced by unique clothing he encountered on his travels around the world, Anthony was inspired to combine his passions into a singular vision: simple but expressive athletic-wear that is comfortable, functional, and appropriate for any occasion. Clothing designed to not only match the style and individuality of those who wear it, but which helps them succeed at whatever they put their mind to.

Anthony takes great pride in designing high-quality pieces. With a great focus on providing soft, breathable, and stylish pieces, he understands the importance of having functional clothing for everyday wear. Additionally, he is committed to making a conscious effort in producing in small batches to avoid mass-production and eliminate waste. Not only is it better for the environment, but he always wants to ensure each product is designed with the customers in mind.

With a passion for entrepreneurship, Anthony has found a true niche in combining his two passions: fitness and fashion. And as a result, it has grown into something that he wants others to enjoy.

Bringing that vision to life has been a journey, and one not without adversity. Energized by the challenges that have faced the world in recent times, Anthony incorporated the themes of perseverance, confidence, and endurance into his brand, and Prevail Clothing was born. Prevail is about believing in yourself and overcoming whatever it is that opposes you.

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